Kind Barber Helps 7-Year-Old With Special Needs Overcome Fear

Kind Barber Helps 7-Year-Old With Special Needs Overcome Fear

In the world, a little bit of kindness can go a long way and possibly even change someone’s entire outlook on life. One man who cuts hair for a living did just that for a young man.

Everyone has something they fear, which causes them to experience a rush of anxiety and apprehension. For 7-year-old Ellison, that which caused him panic and alarm was getting his hair trimmed. 

Text in a video posted to YouTube reads that Ellison, who has special needs, “would rarely smile in a salon chair.” The young man did not enjoy having his ears lowered. However, that was all before Ellison’s mother learned about Vernon.

Vernon, as the text reads, “takes extra time to cut hair for kids with special needs.” Now, because of Vernon’s big heart and kindness, Ellison has defeated and overcome his fear. In fact, the video mentions that “for the first time” Ellison looks forward to his next haircut. 

Instead of an unhappy and scared child, the video shows Ellison smiling and giggling as Vernon cuts his hair. Vernon playfully interacts with Ellison as he cuts the child’s hair. 

In the video, Ellison tells Vernon when to cut his hair and when to stop. The two buddies are all smiles!

Acts of kindness do impact people’s lives, whether in a big or a small way. Most of the time, though, we do not get to see how our kind, loving actions touched the lives of others. 

But one look at the smiles on Ellison’s face and Vernon can rest assured that he made a positive impact in that young man’s life. Vernon’s act of kindness, taking a little more time, has made a world of difference to Ellison. 

What a beautiful and heartwarming clip that reminds us that decent, kind-hearted people still exist in our world!

Proverbs 12:25 “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a kind word makes it glad.”

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