Truth Tribe with Douglas Groothuis

Truth Tribe with Douglas Groothuis

Douglas Groothuis

What You Need to Know about Marxism

December 11, 2023   ●   22 min

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It is not name-calling to say that the roots of CRT are found in Marxism. But the issue goes deeper. To some, the label “Marxism” or “Marxist” means little or nothing, since they are ignorant of the philosophy’s origins, teachings, and outcomes. This is true for many who did not live as adults through any part of the Cold War between the US and the USSR (1947–1991). This is the generation that knew not Joseph (Stalin).2 It is largely ignorant about Communism, the ideology that has controlled China and North Korea since 1949, Cuba since 1961, Laos since 1975, and Vietnam since 1976.3 This means 1.5 billion people are currently enslaved by Marxism. [Groothuis, Douglas R.. Fire in the Streets: How You Can Confidently Respond to Incendiary Cultural Topics (p. 3). Salem Books. Kindle Edition.]

  1. Marx’s debauched life and love of rebellion, inspired by demonic themes. See Paul Kengor, The Devil and Karl Marx (Tan Books, 2020).

Basic Marxist Ideas

  1. Marx’s atheism, which undermines all value and his own philosophy. Marx rejected all religion as oppressive. On his rejection of religion, see Douglas Groothuis, Christian Apologetics, 2nd (InterVarsity-Academic, 2022), pages 378-382.
  2. History as class-struggle.
  3. The call for revolution, not reform, of society.
  4. The vision of a future utopia fueled Marx’s false philosophy.


For more on Marxism, see Thomas Sowell, Marxism: Philosophy and Economics (William Morrow, 1985) and Fred Schwarz, You Can Trust the Communists to be Communists (Prentice-Hall, 1960).

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Overcoming Doubt with Divine Assurance - Your Daily Prayer - September 19 

One morning, in my study of 1 Thessalonians, I read these words from Paul in 5:1-11, lingering over our key verse, “But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.” As he often does, Paul reminds believers that they are soldiers in God’s army and must prepare and protect themselves for battle.

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