Thriving with Chronic Illness

Thriving with Chronic Illness

Jennifer Slattery

Episode 8: Living Beyond Ourselves

September 1, 2020   ●   31 min

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In this episode, Jennifer sits down with Sarah Conaway, the tri-founder of Stromies, a ministry for Stroke Survivors. Sarah shares how God has ministered to her through her chronic illness grief and the ministry he has given her as a result.

Chronic illness can make us feel as if our world has shrunk, and maybe in many ways, it has. But that doesn’t mean God can’t and won’t use us. In fact, our illness might lead to our greatest ministry. Two-time stroke survivor Sarah Conaway’s life changed dramatically after her stroke. She had to relearn how to walk and speak, while also dealing with lupus. But she stepped out before she saw where God was leading.

Discussion questions:
1. What has God been saying to you lately regarding your chronic illness?
2. Do you sense a prick in your heart that might indicate God’s leading?
3. What are some lies about your disability or illness that hinder you from fully living out what God is calling you to?
4. What are some ways your illness has shifted your sense of identity?
5. Think of an area God has been nudging you in, but that you’ve resisted. What makes obedience hard?
6. What is one way you can live beyond yourself, finding a way to love others, this week?
7. We receive guidance through our intimacy in Christ. What is one way you can grow closer to Christ this week?

Chronic Illness Resources:
Visit Sarah’s ministry, Stromies, online at, connect with her and her ministry on and Instagram at

Visit Jennifer online at, find her ministry at

Episode Image Credit: Getty/SaimonSailent

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