Therapy + Theology with Carley Marcouillier

Therapy + Theology with Carley Marcouillier

Carley Marcouillier

The 5 Main Myths of Purity Culture with Dr. Camden Morgante

November 9, 2023   ●   20 min

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Today’s episode is a two-part interview with Dr. Camden Morgante on the topic of purity culture and its impact. Dr. Morgante is a licensed clinical psychologist and coach on purity culture recovery, egalitarianism, and faith reconstruction. Today’s episode focuses on defining purity culture and differentiating it from a biblical formation for sexual ethics. We discuss the contributing factors to the rise of the purity culture movement and the myths it has left in its wake. Dr. Camden offers simple steps to identify purity culture’s impact and ways to reconnect with the healthy sexuality that God created us to embody. 


Take my free quiz, “Which Purity Culture Myth Affects You?”:

Social media (IG, Facebook, Twitter, Threads) @drcamden

Authentic Human Sexuality by Balswick and Balswick 

The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Wray Gregoire

Do you have a question or topic you want to be discussed on a future Q+A episode? Carley would love to hear from you! Record your message here, and Carley just might answer it on the next episode!

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