The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton
Zach ClintonThe Kindness of God: Cultivating a Life & Legacy of Faith Through Gratitude, Obedience, & Praise with Renowned Christian Singer, Songwriter, & Worship Leader, Micah Tyler, Ep. 201
November 26, 2024 ● 50 minShare this episode
Guard your Gratitude! 1 Thessalonians 5:19 provides a staunch reminder that we are not to “quench the Spirit” in our lives. In other words, we have the potential to stunt or stoke or the move of God in our lives. However, Paul instructs us as men and women of faith to engage in three distinct and practices that can help create an atmosphere conducive to the Lord having HIs way in our lives: rejoicing always, praying continually, and giving thanks in ALL circumstances for this is God’s will for our lives through Christ Jesus (1 Thes. 5:16-18). There will be things that threaten to quench the Spirit of God in your life. There will be circumstances, experiences, interactions, seasons, and relationships that threaten to rob you of the joy that God has prepared for you, but today as we enter this Thanksgiving week we wanted to encourage your heart and remind you that we serve a Good, Faithful, Loving, and Consistent Father who is a God of Healing, Restoration, Redemption, and Provision. Therefore, joining us today on the podcast to share his testimony is a man who understands the power of praise, Micah Tyler. Micah is a renowned Christian singer, songwriter, and worship leader who has countless accolades, awards, and chart-topping songs, but what I love most about Micah is his unwavering devotion to the Lord, his wife Casey, and his 3 beautiful children. Our prayer is that through today’s conversation you would be encouraged to look for God, even in the most challenging times, knowing that you can and will find Him in whatever season of life you find yourself in. And remember this my friends, even if God does nothing else, He has already done enough! Be sure to give Him your thanks and your praise, because He is worthy of those things! Happy Thanksgiving!
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Today's Devotional
A Prayer to Stay in Step with God’s Spirit - Your Daily Prayer - January 21
Walking with God takes intentional, day-by-day commitment. Let's renew that commitment in prayer today, together.
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