The Becket Cook Show
Becket CookThe Church of England Blesses Same-Sex Couples: Father Calvin Robinson Interview
March 9, 2023 ● 39 minShare this episode
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In today’s episode, Becket talks with Anglican deacon about his recent speech at Oxford Union regarding homosexuality. In his stunning 12-minute speech, he lays out the biblical sexual ethic and condemns the Church of England for her recent decision to “bless same-sex couples.” We talk about the powerful points he makes in his speech and its fallout, and why the Church of England is careening toward apostasy. We also look at the response from the Anglican Global South Communion and its statement that they are “no longer able to recognize the present Archbishop of Canterbury as the first among equals leader of the global communion.
Father Calvin Robinson's Oxford Union Interview:
Father Calvin Robinson's website:
The Becket Cook Show Ep. 113
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A Prayer to Seek to Reflect This Winter Season - Your Daily Prayer - December 28
Whether you are reflecting on the positive aspects this season or the negative, we are all called to come before God with gratitude and seek Him first.
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