Sound Reasoning: Training Christians to Defend the Faith

Sound Reasoning: Training Christians to Defend the Faith

Perseus Poku

About Sound Reasoning: Training Christians to Defend the Faith

The Sound Reasoning radio show brings the truth often learned in seminary down to the pews of the local church. Join Perseus Poku as he highlights the healthy teaching of the Bible from an apologetic perspective. Perseus has interviewed many of the nation's top theologians and authors. Listen to the show weekly in order to learn more doctrines and strategies for defending the faith.

Meet your Host

Perseus Poku

Perseus Poku is currently a full-time staff minister and the former chairperson of the apologetic ministry at St. Paul Baptist Church in Sacramento, CA. He has an A.A. in Education from Cosumnes River College, a B.A. in History from California State University, and a Master’s in Christian apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary.

He is the President of Sound Reasoning Ministries, which provides training on how to articulate and defend the basic tenets of Christianity. In addition, Mr. Poku has over thirty years of training Christians on sound doctrine. He is also the author of “Bible Answers to 110 Doctrinal Questions”, “That’s Incredible: Arguments Supporting Miracles,” as well as many other publications.

Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Those Who Find Faith Difficult - Your Daily Prayer- March 28 

Denying that faith can be difficult undermines the truth of the incarnation, which affirms that Jesus understands our struggles and meets us in our suffering, offering His power and presence.

Read Today's Devotional

Today's Podcast Episode