So Much More: Scripture Meditation (Lectio Divina)

So Much More: Scripture Meditation (Lectio Divina)

Jodie Niznik

Abundance with God | Meditation on John 6:1-13

July 3, 2023   ●   23 min

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Let nothing be wasted. - Jesus


After Jesus miraculously fed the 5000 with one small lunch, there was an abundance of leftovers. He told the disciples to collect everything. Nothing would be wasted.


The scraps scattered on the hillside. The less desirable pieces. The too much.

All collected. All useful. Nothing wasted.


And all because one small boy agreed to give up his lunch, trusting that God would provide for him.


So many lessons in this amazing account.

Are we willing to trust God with the little that we have?

Do we believe he wastes nothing?


Listen in to this week’s meditation and see what God is inviting you to notice. I promise he has something just for you.


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