Single Mom 101

Single Mom 101

Jennifer Maggio

About Single Mom 101

As a single mother, you face a set of unique challenges and questions. You also have unique blessings and joys. But, if you're like most single mothers, you're also not always sure where to turn for expert advice.

Jennifer Maggio is a national voice for single mothers and hurting women. As the founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries, Jennifer has dedicated her life to making sure no single mom walks alone.

This podcast is her toolkit for answering single mothers' most pressing questions and concerns.

Meet your Host

Jennifer Maggio

Jennifer Maggio is a national voice for single mothers and hurting women. Her personal story has been featured in hundreds of media venues including The New York Times, Daystar Television, The 700 Club, and many others. She is CEO/Founder of The Life of a Single Mom Ministries, a national nonprofit that works with churches to develop single mom’s programs and serves more than 1,500 churches and 71,000 single mothers annually. She is an author of several books, including The Church and the Single Mom. For more information, visit

Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Start the Workday with Focus and Joy - Your Daily Prayer - March 25

Focusing on God's plan can help us find purpose in our workday, transforming frustration into fulfillment through faith, service, and ministry.

Read Today's Devotional

Today's Podcast Episode