Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast

Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast

Dana Che

Q & A: Why Does My Partner Misunderstand Everything I Say?

August 30, 2024   ●   12 min

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Being misunderstood can be a frustrating reality of a disconnected relationship. When someone hears something you didn't say or doesn't properly understand what you mean, it can wreak havoc on your communication. Today's listener question comes from a woman whose boyfriend consistently misunderstands what she means, especially when in disagreement. He even thinks that to disagree is to disrespect. 👀 Listen in as I share how she can ask better questions to get to the heart of the matter. And remember, Proverbs 18:13 says, "Those who answer before they listen are foolish and disgraceful." Ouch but true. 

Links Mentioned in this Episode: 

Take My Online Course: From Conflict to Connection 


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