Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast

Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast

Dana Che

Q & A: Help! My Spouse's Drinking is Ruining Our Marriage

July 26, 2024   ●   10 min

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If you've ever loved someone struggling with addiction, you know how lonely and difficult a journey it can be. Today's question comes from a wife who wants to know what to do about her husband's drinking, especially since he won't admit he has a problem. I share four key points and a few resources with her in hopes of encouraging her to seek help for herself even if her husband won't seek help for his addiction. If you are in a relationship with someone who is addicted to alcohol or other substances, there is hope and healing for you. Psalm 34:18 says, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He saves those crushed in spirit."

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Alcoholics Anonymous 

Celebrate Recovery 

Ep. 98 - The Difference Between Nagging & Reminding 

Conversation Starters for Couples in Conflict 


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Be Less Sad Today - Your Daily Prayer - September 7

The greatest cure and medicine for sadness and all the feelings it may lead to is the Word of God. The Word of God seeps into dry and lonely places and fills them. The more you drink from the Word of God and even digest it, the more your soul is saturated, and the more your sadness leaves you.

Read Today's Devotional