Moms Better Together

Moms Better Together

Lori Wildenberg and Heather Riggleman

Episode 3: Raising Brave and Resilient Kids

November 30, 2020   ●   23 min

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In Episode 3, Lori and Heather discuss raising brave and resilient kids. The women in Moses’ early life modeled bravery and resiliency (Exodus 2:1-10). Heather shares her personal family story, full of traumatic health issues, and their impact on her family. The Rigglemans have literally moved from being independent souls to a connected, interdependent family. Listen to discover the 4 ways to weave hope into your family so connection, resilience, and bravery can be fostered and grown in your kids.

Key Scripture Verses: Exodus 2:1-10, Exodus 6:20, Hebrews 11:23-29, Acts 7:20-22

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Episode Image Credit: Getty/Klaus Vedfelt

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