Mensajes de Esperanza

Mensajes de Esperanza

Major Josué Prieto

Fuera de Toda Compresión

May 30, 2023   ●   6 min

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«Por eso yo os digo: Amad a vuestros enemigos, bendecid a los que os maldicen, haced bien a los que os aborrecen, y orad por los que os ultrajan y os persiguen». ~ Mateo 5: 44 ~

Escrito por el Capitán Carlos Solís

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Stay on the Path of Righteousness - Your Daily Prayer - October 5

Staying on the path of righteousness takes work; many distractions and hindrances exist. But, each day, we have a choice: will we choose God and His ways, which are better than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9), or the way of the world that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14)?

Read Today's Devotional