Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Women Leading through Forgiveness and Grace: Nona Jones & Alex Seeley

January 23, 2020   ●   31 min

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Our planet holds more than seven billion people, and each one reflects who God is—because He created every one of us in His image. Today we hear from two women who have learned the value of who God created them to be and now lead others into finding their own worth as they carve out new spaces to foster connection. Nona Jones, head of faith-based partnerships at Facebook, shares how she overcame years of abuse and trauma to learn that she’s more than what happened to her, and chose forgiveness as a way out of her shame. Today she connects with churches all over the world and people searching for God’s purpose for their own lives. Pastor Alex Seeley shares how difficult it was to uproot her life in Australia to follow God’s calling for her family in America, only to discover that churches in the US didn’t seem to have a place for her. Alex shares how she and her husband Henry created The Belonging Co as a place to help artists and musicians in Nashville without a church home to experience God’s presence, and the life-changing power of discovering His presence in our own journeys.


Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Sarah Young

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling books

Jesus Calling book

Jesus Calling Weekly Prayer Call

Nona Jones

Success From the Inside Out: Power to Rise from the Past to a Fulfilling Future Book 


Alex Seeley

The Belonging Co Church

The Opposite Life: Unlocking the Mysteries of God’s Upside-Down Kingdom Book 

Biblegateway (The Beatitudes)

Planetshakers Ministry


Interview Quotes:

“The reason I was acting out [was] because of so much chaos at home. I was responding and reacting to trauma, and nobody ever asked me why I was acting that way. They just assumed I was a bad kid.” - Nona Jones

“I have this scar on one of my wrists that's a constant reminder of what I tried to do [to end my life], but it's also a reminder of God's grace, because He determined that my life was worth living, even when I didn't see it.” - Nona Jones

“Trauma really changes the way you see yourself. The thing I would like to encourage other people to know is you are not what happened to you.” - Nona Jones

“Twenty-five minutes after I resigned from my job in faith, Facebook called me out of the blue.” - Nona Jones

“If you look at the life of Jesus, He didn't tell people, ‘Hey guys, come see me at the temple on Sunday at 11:00, I have this amazing series that's coming up.’ He didn't do that. He ministered to people wherever they were.” - Nona Jones

“Just like a healthy family needs both parents to bring balance to home life, I think a church so needs the balance of male and female attributes of the father heart of God.” - Alex Seeley

“There are so many people that are hungry for an encounter with God, but they're being given a religious experience, but not this amazing encounter with the Holy Spirit and Jesus.” - Alex Seeley

“To have an encounter where Jesus changes your life, and then people take note of the change that's happening.” - Alex Seeley

“I think the world is confused, because people who call themselves Christians are not acting in an opposite spirit. They're acting like everybody else.” - Alex Seeley

“I've been a Christian for thirty-five years, and I can't get past the fact that He loved me while I was a broken mess.” - Alex Seeley


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