Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

When We Can’t See God’s Plan, Trust His Heart: Dave Pittman & Rachel Van Kluyve

February 27, 2020   ●   30 min

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“Why me, God?” Sound familiar? We’ve all questioned why God has allowed bad things to happen in our lives, but this week’s guests, musician Dave Pittman and home designer Rachel Van Kluyve, have faced serious trials that caused them to question their purpose and how to move forward. Growing up, Dave faced bullies because of his Tourette’s Syndrome. After a deep, dark battle, Dave learned to embrace what made him different. As he’s built his music career post-American Idol, today Dave uses his music and experiences to help others find their reason to live. After Rachel had her first child, she grappled with postpartum depression that isolated her. As she began to post online about her decorating hobby, she began to build a supportive, close-knit online community that now helps women and girls around the world. Today Rachel shares her book She Built Herself a Home and how people can easily create spaces to build closer connections to God and to each other.

Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Sarah Young

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling books

Jesus Calling book

Jesus Calling for Easter 

Jesus Calling ‘What’s Good’ YouTube series featuring Dave Pittman

Jesus Calling podcast episode with Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Jeremy Cowart


Davd Pittman “Crazy Brave’ song “Different Kind of Love” album Tourette Syndrome ABC’s American Idol Neil Patrick Harris Bible Gateway


Rachel Van Kluyve She Made Herself a Home: A Practical Guide to Design, Organize, and Give Purpose to Your Space book Facebook Marketplace


Lauren Alaina

Interview Quotes:

“I was more afraid of living through that again than I was of dying.” - Dave Pittman, on being bullied as a child with Tourette Syndrome

”My mom—both my parents—just drilled into my head and my heart the importance of accepting yourself for who you are, and not just who you are, but who you are in Christ, your identity, who you've become in your walk with Christ.” - Dave Pittman

“I think it's okay to ask why, even now, because Job did. We look at Job in the Bible, he asked God, ‘Why? Why is this happening to me?’” - Dave Pittman

“Anyone can accept something they have to do, but when you can embrace something that you get to do, it’s different. It changes things.” - Dave Pittman

”After I had my first baby, it just kind of all fell apart. I got postpartum [depression]. I lost myself. You know, I was a smart magna cum laude graduate, and I just didn't know what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be, and it spiraled quickly out of control.” - Rachel Van Kluyve

“When I started my Instagram journey, I felt the Lord specifically saying, ‘Everyone knocks social media for not being a good thing for this generation. But I want to use it for good.’” - Rachel Van Kluyve

“We have the power to do so much as moms, as women. [We can] sit at home with a touch of a button and some ingenuity, and we can put together this great thing for people around the world.” - Rachel Van Kluyve

“When we built this house, I prayed specifically that we'd always be hospitable. And it's really the home that's never closed. So because of that, our why has become hospitality, and letting people see Christ at all times, and that they're welcome here.” - Rachel Van Kluyve 

“It's all about creating that space that gives security and peace so that you can give it to others.” - Rachel Van Kluyve


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