Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

When Dreams Slip Away, God Brings New Ones: Bryce Kenny & Charlene Tilton

January 25, 2024   ●   28 min

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Life is a tapestry of dreams and aspirations, yet sometimes, despite our best efforts, we fail to see our dreams come to life. In these moments, we might feel engulfed by a sense of loss and disappointment. But we can find solace in a promise from God; when one dream fades, a new one is waiting on the horizon, ready to infuse our lives with renewed hope and purpose. 

Bryce Kenny is a professional Monster Jam driver who is known as the Great Clips Mohawk Warrior. Bryce always dreamt of being a professional racer, following in the footsteps of his grandfather, who was a professional drag racer. Before reaching his dreams, and eventually setting a World Record in 2021 for the fastest speed in a monster truck, Bryce encountered many roadblocks, and felt he was seeing his dream die before it could even begin—but he would eventually realize that God was working to bring a new dream alive, all in His perfect timing. Also featuring a special segment from the Jesus Calling YouTube Channel: an interview with Susie McEntire Eaton talking to actress Charlene Tilton as recorded for our YouTube monthly video series, Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer!


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Emily Chang

Upcoming interview: nobigdyl


Bryce Kenny

Monster Jam driver 

Great Clips Mohawk Warrior

Guinness World Record in 2021

Live Like Warriors

Monster Jam University

Geared For Life: Making the Shift Into Your Full Potential


Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer YouTube series

Charlene Tilton


Interview Quotes:

“I made that faith jump and said, ‘Look, I don't know what's on the other side of this jump. I don't know where I'm going to land here, but I do know, God placed a calling on my life and the circumstances of my life do not change the calling of my life.’” - Bryce Kenny

“I want people to begin to understand that your purpose, that God-given dream that you've had, every God-given dream goes through three stages: a birth, a death and a resurrection.” - Bryce Kenny 

“God wants to watch us in the skill sets that He gave us. He gave us passions for a reason and it's not just to use us, it's to be in relationship with Him.” - Bryce Kenny 

“There's no better joy in the world for me than to know that the Heavenly Father is using me somehow to put those smiles on people's faces. I'll never get used to that. And I've never had more fun watching God move His hand over an environment that I couldn't have impacted if it was just myself trying to make it happen.” - Bryce Kenny 

“No matter how bad it is, I know that God is going to take my situation, even the dire situations, and bring something amazing out of it, whether I get to see it now or twenty years from now. And when you operate with that level of faith, you cannot help but act on that belief, and that is what faith truly is.” - Bryce Kenny 

“God is the one that is in control and He still has the creative power that He brought all of this into existence with the spoken word—He still has that same creative power to create the life that you have always believed that God has called you to.” - Bryce Kenny  

“God really had His hand on my life.” - Charlene Tilton

“If you are in depression or anxious or in grief or feeling sorry for yourself, what do you do? You go help somebody else. Because that's the best t

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