Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

What Failure and Mistakes Teach Us: Todd Hoffman and Adam and LaVon Hamilton

August 4, 2022   ●   26 min

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When we feel we are falling short, failing, or generally losing, it’s important to remember that when we don’t fail, we may not learn, we won’t have the experience of recovering, and we may not try again. Some Christians are deluded into thinking that because they are in a relationship with God, failure is not an option. However, scripture tells us in multiple places that God uses suffering and failure to build strength and character in our lives. 

All three of our guests today know what it’s like to fail. Discovery Channel’s Todd Hoffman has had highs and lows in his mining career. He's learned as much–if not more–from his mistakes navigating the world of gold mining as from his successes. Pastor Adam Hamilton and his wife Lavon know what it’s like to serve the Lord and their family as best as they possibly can, but that sometimes, they don’t meet the mark as spouses and parents. They speak about the challenging transitions of parenting kids as they become adults.


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Dr. Meg Meeker

Upcoming interview: Walker Hayes and Craig Cooper

Luke 16 NIV


Todd Hoffman

Hoffman family

Gold Rush on Discovery Channel

Joshua 24:15 NIV

Hoffman Family Gold


Adam Hamilton

United Methodist Church of the Resurrection


Interview Quotes:

“I don't care about fame, but I do care about the reach when it comes to my faith.” - Todd Hoffman

“I was kind of depressed and coming out of that and trying to fix things in my marriage. And that's when God kind of met me. I said, ‘I need a good idea and I need something new to believe in.’ And that's when I got that vision of Gold Rush.”

“We try to serve the Lord the best we can and we fail, but we get back up and we ask for forgiveness and we carry on.” - Todd Hoffman

“I would hope that as long as we're still alive, that we're finding ways to parent, that you're still finding ways to show [your children] love and care.  And I know as we age, the tables kind of turn and they start helping take care of us. But I think that no matter how old you are, you can still look for ways that you can be a mom or dad to your children.“ - LaVon Hamilton

“I feel like all of our best years were way after our thirties. You know, there were some things that were great at that time, I'm not denying that, but I feel like we have more joy. There is more satisfaction in life. I think we feel more in love with each other today than at any point in our past.” - Adam Hamilton

“You have to figure out how you transition together, or how you learn the dance steps for this phase in your life. Because dance music doesn't stay the same throughout your whole life. It changes as you go through life.” - LaVon Hamilton

“There's a direct correlation between our spiritual life and our time with God and how we live out our faith towards the people that are closest to us.” - Adam Hamilton


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What’s Good? 



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