Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Trusting God to Fill the Gap: Rodeo Stars Tyson Durfey (w/ wife Shea Fisher) and Cody Custer

July 18, 2019   ●   27 min

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Life can be a long, difficult ride and there are times that fill us with despair, especially when giving our best isn’t enough to help us change our circumstances. While we wrestle with fear and uncertainty, God works quietly in the background, filling the gaps in our efforts, carefully nudging us forward so we can keep going. Our guests have held onto their faith as they’ve traveled the winding roads of Western sports: world champion rodeo athlete Tyson Durfey and his wife, country music artist Shea Fisher, and former champion bull rider Cody Custer


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Jesus Calling devotional

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Tyson Durfey

Shea Fisher

Central Park by the Bethesda Fountain,


Cody Custer

National Finals Rodeo


Interview Quotes:

“I go in 100 percent with whatever I decide to go after. I picked up the Bible, and it grabbed hold of my heart. It was just that transition, and it was truly amazing for me.” - Tyson Durfey

“When you hear the word of the Lord that vivid and that audible, it shakes you to your core, it really does.” - Tyson Durfey

“Where you don't see the way, God sees the way.” - Tyson Durfey

“It's important to remember that if you can't do it, God will fill in the gap.” - Tyson Durfey

“I don't know if everything happens for a reason, but I believe there's a reason in the middle of what happens.” - Cody Custer 

“I don't believe that God ever takes His hand off any of us, no matter what we're doing, no matter what's going on in our lives.” - Cody Custer

”I think people get too wrapped up in circumstances and forget [success is] not the end all.” - Cody Custer

“I learned a lot more from my boy than I ever thought I did.” - Cody Custer

“[Jesus Calling] is just a book with words until the Spirit hits it, and then it's life.” - Cody Custer

“Everybody grieves their own way. Grieve how you grieve. There's no there's no cookie cutter way to grieve.”  - Cody Custer 


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Discover Childlike Faith - Your Daily Prayer - October 11

What does it mean to have childlike faith to become like little children in the kingdom of God? How do we achieve it? What steps do we need to take to walk in it? As adults, how do we move past all the voices that have been telling us throughout our lives that we need to “grow up” and “stop behaving like a child”?

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