Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Teaching Christ’s Love to All Ages: Lee Ann Mancini

March 30, 2017   ●   9 min

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Lee Ann Mancini is the author of the “Adventures of the Sea Kids” book series and a teacher of theology. Lee Ann’s mission is to teach young children about the love of Jesus and how to show love for others as well.


"I am with you and for you. You face nothing alone—nothing! When you feel anxious, know that you are focusing on the visible world and leaving Me out of the picture. The remedy is simple: Fix your eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. Verbalize your trust in Me, the Living One who sees you always. I will get you safely through this day and all your days. But you can find Me only in the present. Each day is a precious gift from My Father. How ridiculous to grasp for future gifts when today’s is set before you! Receive today’s gift gratefully, unwrapping it tenderly and delving into its depths. As you savor this gift, you find Me."

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