Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Spreading Love Over Hate: Anthony Ray Hinton & John M. Perkins

June 16, 2022   ●   23 min

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This week we are celebrating Freedom Day, or what is more commonly known as Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. 

Anthony Ray Hinton is an American activist, writer, and author who was wrongly convicted of the 1985 murders of two fast food restaurant managers in Birmingham, Alabama. Hinton was sentenced to death and held on the state's death row for twenty-eight years. During that time, he befriended a member of the Klu Klux Klan and through that friendship, that man moved from a life of hatred to a love for people of all races, and a love for God. Ultimately, Anthony was found to be innocent of his charges and was released from prison. 

Dr. John M. Perkins has been a counselor to six presidents, community development leader, and civil rights legend. Dr. Perkins grew up in Mississippi and was born during the height of Jim Crow and the Great Depression. The loss of his mother due to malnutrition and his brother, who was killed by police after his return from World War II, shaped Perkins’ life and ultimately inspired him to pursue civil rights issues, particularly around racial violence in the U.S. Today, at ninety-two years old, Dr. Perkins continues his work by shedding light on injustices and drawing Christians into the work of social justice and civil rights. 

Both of these men give us a picture of the trials and tribulations they’ve had to endure in this life—exacerbated by issues of race—and how they’ve dedicated their lives to spreading love over hate and the joy that comes in the freedom they’ve found in Christ. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

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Past interview: Sadie Robertson

Upcoming interview: Janine Urbaniak Reid



Anthony Ray Hinton

Henry Francis Hayes

The Sun Does Shine


Dr. John M. Perkins


Henri Nouwen

Mornings with Henry

Psalm 1 NIV


Interview Quotes:

“I'm just so thankful that my mother brought me up to be blessed, be thankful for what I have, and to love even those who don't love me.” - Anthony Ray Hinton

“I learned how to pray. And I learned how to ask God to do whatever needs to be done for that person to bring love into their heart because I had learned something. It's not about me. It's about them.” - Anthony Ray Hinton

“I was determined to be a voice for those who don't have a voice. I have to fight for those who can't fight for themselves.” - Anthony Ray Hinton

“God created one human race in His image to reflect His love and His compassion in the world.” - Dr. John M. Perkins

“Redemption is not of ourselves, our redemption is a gift of God is a gift of God. That's why we should love one another. Love is eternal. Isn't that beautiful?” - Dr. John M. Perkins


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