Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Seeking Joy While Carrying Burdens: Matthew Kelly & Tammy Bullock

August 15, 2019   ●   35 min

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Every one of us is fighting a hard battle. Day in and day out, we try our best to care for loved ones and spread a little of God’s goodness in the world—and sometimes that load feels heavier than others. But as we stumble around with the weight of our burdens, we forget we don’t have to carry them alone. Our guests this week, author and speaker Matthew Kelly and nonprofit leader Tammy Bullock, remind us that despite the burdens on our backs, we can choose to view our world through the lens of joy. And that joy helps us remember no matter what we’re carrying, God is always by our side, helping to lighten the load. 


Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Sarah Young, author of Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling devotional

Jesus Calling books

Jesus Calling weekly Prayer Call

Jesus Calling Interview Candace Payne

Matthew Kelly

Dynamic Catholic

Rediscover the Saints: Twenty-Five Questions That Will Change Your Life book


Tammy Bullock

Nashville Rescue Mission

Bible Gateway – Philippians 4:13

Marian Love artist

Sony Records

Brentwood Baptist Church

Preston Taylor Ministries


Interview Quotes:

“Humanity is broken and messy.” - Matthew Kelly


“I still believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is the best way to live." - Matthew Kelly 


“I think it's very important that we monitor our joy, that we stay attentive to our joy.” - Matthew Kelly


“If we're mindful that everyone we meet is carrying a heavy burden, we treat people with a different gentleness or with a different respect.” - Matthew Kelly


“We talk about having a personal relationship with God, but it's hard to connect to that sometimes, and I think [Jesus Calling] effortlessly creates that connection and creates a bridge.” - Matthew Kelly 


“In any situation we turn to God and say, ‘God, what do you want me to do right now?’ And if we just set aside self-interest, what we feel like doing, what we want to do, and we just do what we feel God is calling us to do in that moment, we've created a holy moment.” - Matthew Kelly


“The saints didn't live holy lives. They lived holy moments, and between the holy moments.” - Matthew Kelly


“But we all are called to be saints in the way Paul envisioned in his letters. I think that’s a concept that needs to be rediscovered, because it leads us to understand that we have a part to play in the revitalization of our society and the renewal of our world.” - Matthew Kelly 


“As Christians and as a society, we need to give our leaders permission to be human, because we'll see an astounding new authenticity if we do.” - Matthew Kelly 


“The spirit of God's relationship with [humanity] throughout the Judeo-Christian tradition has always been one of collaboration.” - Matthew Kelly


“At nine years old, I understood [the meaning of] faith: a hope for something I cannot see, but I can believe it.” - Tammy Bullock 


“If You will save me, I will use this voice You have given me. I will use my voice, my speaking voice, all that I am to bring You glory." - Tammy Bullock


“Some of her last words I can remember [my mom] saying to me are, ‘Tammy, don't scratch with the chickens. You were made to soar.’” - Tammy Bullock


“I have seen so many women feel loved, feel embraced, and feel as if Jesus is talking to them. [Jesus Calling] is very personal, and they need to feel loved because perhaps each woman, depending upon her life story, h

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Today's Devotional

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