Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Restoring Our Relationships and Reconnecting to God: Kevin Olusola & Seth and Heather Thompson Day

December 15, 2022   ●   26 min

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Theologian and monk Thomas Merton once wrote, “The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.” We were designed by God to live life with and surrounded by people. But to successfully do so, we have to learn what makes others tick. We have to know how they move, and how we can speak love and understanding into their lives. Truly loving people comes with knowing that they are flawed, but resisting the desire to “fix them” to some standard of our own. When we choose to let others be perfectly themselves, we begin to understand God’s unconditional love toward all of us.

Our guests this week are people who’ve truly come to the realization that in order to make a relationship thrive, acceptance and resiliency are so important. Beatboxer, cellist, and singer/songwriter Kevin Olusola from the acapella musical group Pentatonix talks about what it takes to make space for his bandmates through their differences, and how they move beyond those differences to make beautiful harmonies together. Husband and wife duo Seth and Heather Thompson Day speak about the tensions they’ve experienced with their individual families and how as a couple, they are committed to the hard work of living relationally with others and with God. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Tauren Wells

Upcoming interview: Matt Rawle

Thomas Merton


Kevin Olusola


Celebrate and Collaborate with Yo-Yo Ma 


David Crowder Band

The Sing-Off

Pentatonix’s performance of “E.T.” by Katy Perry

Imagine Faith Talk


Seth and Heather Thompson Day 

Jesus Christ Superstar

I’ll See You Tomorrow


Interview Quotes:

“I said to God, ‘I think you're absolutely crazy. This doesn't make any sense, but I can't deny that I feel like you're leading me here. I don't know if it's forever, but I know I at least have to follow this right now.’” - Kevin Olusola 

“I don't think any of us knew that it was going to lead to all this. We're five such different people in such a beautiful way. That's what makes the sound interesting. We're all bringing our different ideas of musicality to make one joyful noise.” - Kevin Olusola

“If God Almighty is the one that has put the plan in place for you to be successful so that His glory is known, you better believe that God will create a way for you to have success not just in your career, but also in your family, also in your health. He's created a way because God wants a holistic, loving, joyous life focused on Him.” - Kevin Olusola

“I don't know why we struggle to speak life into ourselves. But when I met Heather, I was able to speak life into her. And she was able to speak life into me.” - Seth Day

“I think the beauty of the Christian experience is we actually can allow our spirits and our brains and our bodies and our hearts to be transformed in the hands of God. And I've seen that firsthand in my own family.” - Heather Thompson Day

“One of the things that Heather has done by willing the good for me is that she's valued my pain. But she's also definitely valued the promise that God has over my life.” - Seth D

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