Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Our Faith Will Carry Us To The Finish Line: Daniel Gil & Brad Minns

November 2, 2023   ●   21 min

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Many writers and philosophers have compared the process of living our lives to running a race, or following a path. The Bible, in Hebrews among other places, makes this comparison as well by saying;  “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith [Hebrews 12: 1-3].” Much as a marathon runner relies on their faith to complete a grueling race, or a mountaineer looks to the heavens for strength to conquer a strenuous climb, our faith can provide a source of strength and motivation to endure life’s challenges, pushing one's limits beyond perceived boundaries. 

With unwavering passion and determination, eight time American Ninja Warrior finalist and competitor Daniel Gil shares how his relationship with the Lord has helped him push through some of the toughest challenges–both mental and physical. Professional tennis player and Deaf World Championship winner Brad Minns lost his hearing at the age of three and shares the challenges that brought when entering the world of tennis, how he found the strength to defy the odds. 

Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Don Wickstrum

Upcoming interview: Pastor Ed & Lisa Young

Operation Christmas Child

Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV


Daniel Gil

American Ninja Warrior

Hebrews 12:2 NIV

Kingdom Ninja


Brad Minns

Never Give Up book

Arnold Schwarzeneggerer

The Education of a Bodybuilder


Never Give Up movie


Interview Quotes:

“It wasn't until I was chasing wholeheartedly, fully, and completely after my walk with the Lord that these relationships and these doors began to open for what I feel like God had purposed for my life all along.” - Daniel Gil

“I'll put the blinders on, block out all the noise, block out the lights, block out the cameras, block out the audience, and I'll put a smile on my face from ear to ear, because as an athlete and more so as a Christian, I'm grateful for every single opportunity to be there.” - Daniel Gil 

“I'll give it everything that I've got, but at the end of the day, I don't find my identity in American Ninja Warrior. I don't find my identity in anything that I do. I find my identity in my walk with the Lord.” - Daniel Gil

“I said, ‘God help me.’ And [as] I said [that] prayer, I left the rest to God. And I came back and won the match.” - Brad Minns

“There's physical training, and there's spiritual training. Physical training has some value, but spiritual training has far greater value because it has benefits, not just in this life, but the life to come.” - Brad Minns

“We all have a gift that God created us for, to use while we are here on this Earth to do what He wants us to do. The only way you are going to use that gift to the maximum is to put God first and let Him have total control in your life.” - Brad Minns 


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