Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Meeting the Healer of Broken People: Amy Kavelaris & Austin French

February 6, 2020   ●   27 min

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Jesus didn’t come for perfect people—He came to heal the broken and the hurting. Today’s guests, artist and author Amy Kavelaris and Christian music artist Austin French, share how God met them in their broken places and healed their lives and hearts. Amy draws inspiration from the awe-filled way her three little girls see the world, and it reminds her of the light God is in her life. When she gets overwhelmed by demands on her time or struggles to navigate life’s changing seasons, Amy remembers that God is creating opportunities for her. Austin French faced an internal battle with Christianity for years, only to realize he wasn’t hurt by a broken God, but by broken people. He finally found peace and healing when he learned that Jesus wants every piece of us. We are not defined by our scars—we’re defined by His. 


Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Sarah Young

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling books

Jesus Calling book

Jesus Calling AppJesus Calling® for Easter. With 50 Jesus Calling devotions

Jesus Calling interview with Mercy Me’s Bart Millard

Amy Kavelaris

Bloom Print Studio

Harper Collins / Thomas Nelson / Tommy Nelson

Good Night, My Darling Dear book


Austin French

ABC’s “Rising Star”

NBC’s “The Voice,”


Interview Quotes:

“I just had this innate feeling that God existed and that I just wanted to follow Him with my life.” - Amy Kavelaris

”I think it's so important that we celebrate God's creation. It's fun to add a little whimsy and sparkle into the everyday, because our kids see the everyday as wonderful and extraordinary.” - Amy Kavelaris

”I get so much more from watching [my girls] and seeing how they react to [the world]. It's just this beautiful relationship that we have, where it 100 percent inspires what I do every day.” - Amy Kavelaris

”This is all about Him. He’s the only reason I'm doing any of this.” - Amy Kavelaris 

“I find that the only joy and freedom is when we gaze upon His light and His truth. It's then that we find that true, indescribable joy, and stop chasing after what the world tells us we need.” - Amy Kavelaris

“I didn't understand why we had to change who we were at church and why we couldn't be who we were all the time. As an eight-year-old kid, I wrote down: I never want to be a Christian.” - Austin French

“I realized that I had been hurt by broken people, not Jesus. Jesus is what He told me He was—He was the Healer of broken people.” - Austin French 

“We're very needy people, all of us. We need people. We need a God who's with us and working with us.” - Austin French

”I think the only way to find a relationship with Jesus and truly find freedom in Jesus is to understand that brokenness is a part of this story.” - Austin French

“We're not defined by our scars or the scars that you're walking through right now— we're defined by His. - Austin French


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