Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

God Helps Us Find The Missing Peace: Sonya Curry & Sheila Walsh

May 5, 2022   ●   31 min

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Does it ever feel like you’re searching for something in life beyond what your everyday existence is bringing? Maybe you’re a parent who is devoted to your family, but you wonder if there’s something you’re missing. Maybe you’re in the second half of your life and wondering if there’s more beyond the days of your youth. Perhaps you are just lonely, and wondering why you haven’t been able to connect with others who share your outlook on life. We all want the assurance that we’re doing it right—the peace that comes from knowing where you’re going. Our guests this week share that there is an answer to finding that missing peace—and His name is Jesus. Sonya Curry raised three amazing children who became successful in sports and in life, but she still kept thinking something was missing, and found what she was looking for in a closer relationship to God. Sheila Walsh is a spiritual leader to many, yet she battled depression at the height of her success and realized that she needed God’s love through other people to help her find herself again. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Michael Guillen

Upcoming interview: Jon Gordon


Sonya Curry

Stephen Curry

Seth Curry

Sydel Curry

Type A personality


Fierce Love


Sheila Walsh

Is God Still Awake?

700 Club with Pat Robertson 

Life Today with James and Betty Robertson

Psalms 88 NIV


Interview Quotes:

“I wanted for nothing materialistically, I just wasn't fulfilled. And so I was searching for some of that fulfillment in the world.“ - Sonya Curry

“I went from just being religious and going to church to really having a personal relationship with God. And it saved my family, it saved me, and got me more focused on living out the potential that God had placed in me to get to the purpose that He had for my life.” Sonya Curry

“I was already raising my children and taking them to church because that's how I was raised. But then they started seeing the transformation in me. They started seeing me praying more. I wanted to train them in how to put God first. You can fit God into your schedule, is what I wanted them to see.” - Sonya Curry

“I felt how God's hand was always in every decision that was made regarding them...we need to be intentional and purposeful because we are the gatekeepers to their souls.” - Sonya Curry

“Doing my daily devotions and prayer time grounds me, it really helps me to set the standard for the day. It reminds me who I am, where I came from, and who I'm here for.” Sonya Curry

“I have tried so many things and ways to find fulfillment within myself to then have that pour into my role as a mom. And some things worked, some things didn't, but the things that were built on the foundation of God never failed.” - Sonya Curry

“God's antidote to shame is grace.” - Sheila Walsh

“Rather than viewing the Word of God through what I just heard on the news, I reverse everything now so that whatever I watch at some point to catch the headlines, I view them to what I've just read and the Word of God.” - Sheila Walsh

“Don't isolate yourself from God when you're hurting. Bring everything that's true about you to Him, just as Christ did.” - Sheila Walsh


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