Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Every Single Body is Wonderfully Made By God: Dr. Amy Kenny and Anna Lind Thomas

October 20, 2022   ●   25 min

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Where does the human body fit into our theology? In Scripture, humans are said to be "created in the image of God,” but overall the creation of our bodies is a great mystery, and we cannot say it has been created in the image of God without trying to understand what that phrase means. We don't get to choose its color, its height, or even the basic functionality of its parts. It remains largely an unpredictable, dynamic space that we must learn to inhabit, love, and enjoy as the most basic gift we’ve been given.

Both of our guests this week learned to love the bodies that they were given. Dr. Amy Kenny is a disabled scholar and lecturer in Shakespearean studies at the University of California Riverside. She celebrates the beautiful vulnerability of her disabled body within the theology of the image of God and she advocates for disabled and unhoused people. Anna Lind Thomas is a comedian who overcame perceptions of being the "ugly duckling" when compared to her sister by taking time to hone her comedic craft, learn radical self-compassion, and celebrate the unpredictability of our human bodies. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Miles McPherson

Upcoming interview: Tara Cole

Genesis 1:27 NIV


Dr. Amy Kenny

Romans 1:20 NIV

John 9 NIV

Luke 14 NIV

My Body Is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church


Anna Lind Thomas

I’m Not Ready for This

Interview Quotes:

“I started to realize that if the invisible qualities of God's divine nature can be clearly seen in that crookedness of trees, in the bouncing kangaroo, in the languishing lion, and the waddling penguin, then why can't I see it in myself, in my own disabled body?” - Dr. Amy Kenny 

“I practice really acknowledging the beautiful vulnerability of my life. I listen to my body and acknowledge that she is a temple and I try to behold those invisible qualities of divine nature throughout creation as a practice every day to make sure I am rooted.” - Dr. Amy Kenny

“My disabled body declares the truth that we are from ash and we will one day return to ash. And that day might be sooner than we plan. But my disabled body also declares what the Creator can do with a little bit of ash. And so I give thanks for that.” - Dr. Amy Kenny

“I realized that not taking yourself so seriously is a gift, and having a healthy sense of humor about yourself, it really is a skill and it's kind of a nice way to live.” - Anna Lind Thomas

“There is something about that deep belly laugh that makes us be like, Okay, I can handle this. You know, I can do this, I can handle this, let's go for it. There's really true power in that, and it's such an important thing.” - Anna Lind Thomas


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Bonus Podcasts: 

Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer: 

Peace for Everyday Life: 

Peace in Uncertain Times: 

What’s Good? 



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