Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Coping with Grief and Loss: Eddie Montgomery & Kacie Clousing

June 4, 2020   ●   28 min

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It’s a hard truth that none of us is exempt from the pain of losing loved ones. And while Jesus tells us that, “In this world, you’ll have trouble,” He also promises that no matter what, He will never leave our side, and that He’ll remain a rock we can lean on through the pain of loss. Our two guests, country music artist Eddie Montgomery and Jesus Calling reader Kacie Clousing, have experienced tragic losses. But as they reached for God, He paved the way to survival and healing. Eddie Montgomery, of the award-winning duo Montgomery Gentry, talks about the deep bond he had with his music partner of three decades, Troy Gentry. When he lost Troy in a devastating helicopter crash, Eddie learned how to cope with his pain by remembering the good memories they made together, and turned to “the Man Upstairs” for strength. After battling infertility and having two healthy miracle babies, Kacie Clousing was thrilled when she and her husband discovered she was pregnant again. At a routine twenty-week ultrasound, Kacie learned that although she could feel her son kicking and moving within her, he wouldn’t survive the pregnancy. As she grieved the shattered dreams of what could’ve been, she kept reaching for God during her darkest days and held on to the belief that He would take care of her and her family, no matter how difficult the outcome. 

Links, Products and Resources Mentioned:

Sarah Young

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling books

Jesus Always devotional promotion at

Jesus Calling podcast episode:  God Brings Life After Loss: Jonathan Pitts and John Hill


Eddie Montgomery


John Michael Montgomery 


Kacie Clousing


Dr. Dharius Daniels


Interview Quotes:

“Me and Troy put this duo [Montgomery Gentry] together, Nashville did not. And I think that’s why it was different, because we’d get each other in and out of trouble, we had each other's back. We knew who we were.” - Eddie Montgomery

“There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think about [Troy].” - Eddie Montgomery

“Before we go on stage, we get together and thank the Man Upstairs that He’s let us live this long and let us do what we do.” - Eddie Montgomery

“That's how you get through [loss]. You remember all the smiles and the good times.”- Eddie Montgomery

“In a second, our life went from, Oh, my goodness, things are fine. We're having a boy. We're so excited, to just nothing but complete sorrow and grief.” - Kacie Clousing

“I started to have a mantra, where when I would start to think about the bad, I would just say, ‘I trust in you, Lord, to stop my negative thoughts and to not fall into the dark hole again.’” - Kacie Clousing 

“God will take care of you and your family, and bring to your life what is meant to be.” - Kacie Clousing  


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