Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Born to Fly, Not to Fear: Sara Evans & Caitlin Crosby

September 3, 2020   ●   24 min

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Fear and anxiety often worm their way into our lives, and it is easy to give into them. But we have a mighty God on our side, who replaces fear with a beautiful peace that reminds us everything will turn out exactly the way He intends it. Country music artist Sara Evans knew as a young girl that she was “Born to Fly,” because God had called her to a music career. And as Sara looks back on defining moments of her career and her journeys with family and faith, she can trace the moments when fear would try to take over but God gave her the resilience to push through. Growing up in Los Angeles with a passion for helping others, actor and singer Caitlin Crosby learned early on that real beauty and character are found in our flaws. As she prayed for God to show her how to give to others, Caitlin met a talented couple who helped turn her heart for helping into a real-life mission: a jewelry-for-good business called The Giving Keys, which helps people transition out of homelessness. Caitlin believes that embracing the things that scare us can help us uncover our purpose. And as she shares in her new book You are the Key, she’s seen that paying forward a word of encouragement, whether you sleep in a mansion or a cardboard box, can go a long way in helping others—and ourselves—keep reaching for faith and courage.

Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling Bible study

Jesus Calling, from July 27th

interview with heroic Southwest Airlines pilot Tammie Jo Shults and Vietnam POW Carlyle “Smitty” Harris

TJ Stevens 

Beth Nimmo

Rachel Scott


Sara Evans

Vocalist of the Year by the Academy of Country Music

ABC’s Dancing with the Stars

Gideon's Bible

Grand Ole Opry

Born to Fly memoir


Caitlin Crosby

The Giving Keys

You are the Key book



Flawz album

Invisible Children documentary


Interview Quotes:

“We just have so many people to love and so many people to take care of. That is such a blessing.” - Sara Evans, on her blended family

“I really, really, really believe in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I believe that God understands our hearts and He knows where we are.” - Sara Evans

“God is the potter and I'm the clay, so I just need to trust Him every day, and really just have no fear.” - Sara Evans

“There's nothing more comforting than having a relationship with Jesus.” - Sara Evans

“The whole premise [of The Giving Keys] is you get a word that you need in your life, you embrace it, you own it, but then you're supposed to pass it on to somebody you feel needs it more than you.” - Caitlin Crosby

“Our model [at The Giving Keys] is the more products we sell, the more jobs we can create, and the more people we can try and get off the streets.” - Caitlin Crosby

“Everyone needs help. Everyone needs love. Everyone needs strength.” - Caitlin Crosby

“The things that they feel kind of secretive or shameful about, those are the things that really can bring your purpose alive and bring it to another level.” - Caitlin Crosby


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