Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling

Big Changes, New Dreams: Kathie Lee Gifford and Jim & Jill Kelly

October 15, 2020   ●   30 min

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Often in life, unexpected changes can lead to new dreams. God has proven time and time again that He can use any moment—good or bad—to change the trajectory of our lives for His glory. Legendary entertainer Kathie Lee Gifford was born with dreams that unfolded as she pursued her passion to perform. As she’s moved through the entertainment world for the past fifty years, Kathie has followed where God has called her, including a new season where she’s helping kids pinpoint the dreams God has in store for them with her brand-new book children’s book Hello, Little Dreamer. NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly, and his wife, philanthropist Jill Kelly were living what they thought was the perfect life—Jim had just retired after a successful career with the Buffalo Bills, they had a beautiful daughter and had just welcomed their son Hunter into the world. But their world was rocked when Hunter was diagnosed with a rare disorder and projected not to live past his second birthday. The Kellys realized they couldn’t rely on the things they had before, like their own ability to make things happen, and had to instead reach for something greater. Both Jim and Jill came to faith because of a desperate need for hope, and when they realized how much healing God can bring, they started the Hunter’s Hope Foundation to provide that same light to others. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith television show on Circle TV

Note-Taking edition of Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Lives

Jesus Today

Jesus Always

Past interviews: Matthew Barnett, Richard Cowdrey

Future interviews: Lecrae Moore


Kathie Lee Gifford

Hello, Little Dreamer


Jim Kelly

Jill Kelly 

National Football League

Buffalo Bills

Super Bowl 

University of Miami


Pro Football Hall of Fame

Hunter’s Hope Foundation

Cerebral palsy

Krabbe leukodystrophy


Interview Quotes:

“People asked me this my whole life: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And I think that's the wrong question to ask children. I think it's not what they want to be so much as what does God want you to be?” - Kathie Lee Gifford

“I can't tell you how many people I was honored and privileged to lead to the Lord because I happened to be on a movie set, on a TV set, or in a recording studio or on location.” - Kathie Lee Gifford

“Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words. Love people. When you love people, that's when they sense Jesus.” - Kathie Lee Gifford

“I've never been confused at all about what I'm supposed to do. And I think that's because I was pursuing my dreams. I can't even imagine what God's got for me next.” - Kathie Lee Gifford

“In that moment of just tremendous fear and anguish and devastation, I knew that I was going to have to seek beyond what this world has to offer.” - Jill Kelly, on her son Hunter’s Krabbe leukodystrophy diagnosis

“We realized . . . that it was God using the suffering of our one and only son to point

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Lifted Spirits When Your World Is Changing - Your Daily Prayer - October 10

Have you experienced, or are you facing right now, some uncertain life changes? Are you dealing with feelings of fear, discontentment, or discomfort through it, like I am?

Read Today's Devotional