Intentional Living

Intentional Living

Kristi Woods

About Intentional Living

Do your daily choices help or hinder you; do they glorify God? Did you know a stronger faith awaits in those simple decisions--the words you speak, the relationships you keep, what you read, and who you follow? Instead of reacting or going with the flow, be intentional. Join Kristi Woods on the Intentional Living Podcast as we learn to live daily with a purposeful, God-glorifying aim.

Meet your Host

Kristi Woods

Kristi Woods is a writer and speaker who is passionate about women walking deeper with God. She writes regularly and offers faith-building tools at She contributes monthly at and and is published in three Chicken Soup for the Soul publications. Kristi, her husband, and their three children survived a nomadic, military lifestyle, and have set roots in Oklahoma.

Today's Devotional

A Prayer When it Feels Like Depression Is Getting the Best of You - Your Daily Prayer - March 26 

When we face a season of depression we can find healing through therapy, faith, and healthy coping mechanisms. It's important to seek support and trust in God's love and promises during difficult times.

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Today's Podcast Episode