Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg and Dr. Carl Moeller

Insights into Israel's Two-State Solution Challenges #195

July 15, 2024   ●   13 min

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Welcome to Inside the Epicenter, a podcast of The Joshua Fund, where we explore the complex and critical issues facing Israel and her neighbors. In this episode, former US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, joins host Joel Rosenberg to discuss the danger of Israel's two-state solution and the impact of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. Ambassador Friedman shares his insight on the challenges and prospects of Palestinian self-governance, providing a thought-provoking perspective on the geopolitical and theological implications. Join us as we delve into the conversation about Israeli sovereignty, security, and the quest for peace in the region.


  • (00:00) Concerns about the 2-state solution due to Hamas.
  • (05:15) Vision of Abraham Accords: improve Palestinian living.
  • (06:38) Verse of the day: Genesis 12:7, pray for Israel's challenges and safety.
  • (12:23) Episode on 2-state solution and feedback.


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Verse of the Day: Genesis 12:7 - Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, I will give this land to your descendants. And Abram built an altar there and dedicated it to the Lord who had appeared to him. 

Prayer Request:
Pray that God gives Israeli leadership the wisdom to deal with the current challenges that Israel is facing.
Pray for the security and protection of all Israelis and Palestinians that they would come to know Jesus and are kept safe.

Related Episodes:
Donald Trump's Bold Stance on Iran & Israel #191
Israeli Efforts to Dismantle Hamas and Free Hostage #189
The Escalating Conflict: Inside Israel and the Rescue Mission's #188
What Does The Future Hold For Israel and Her Neighbors #176

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Be Less Sad Today - Your Daily Prayer - September 7

The greatest cure and medicine for sadness and all the feelings it may lead to is the Word of God. The Word of God seeps into dry and lonely places and fills them. The more you drink from the Word of God and even digest it, the more your soul is saturated, and the more your sadness leaves you.

Read Today's Devotional