Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg and Dr. Carl Moeller

Ghaith Al-Omari - Exploring Hope, Reform, and Compassion #197

July 18, 2024   ●   49 min

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Welcome back to Inside the Epicenter! In today's episode, we delve deep into the complexities of Palestinian sentiment and the challenging reality of speaking out against the war in Gaza. Our guest, Ghaith Al Omari, shares insightful perspectives on the lack of moral leadership among Palestinians, the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the shifting support for a two-state solution. Host Joel Rosenberg and Ghaith also discuss the limitations of polling data during times of war, the need for compassion for both Israelis and Palestinians and the potential for Palestinian reform. Join us as we explore these critical issues and seek constructive paths forward.

  • (05:03) Palestinian hope: Polling credibility in wartime.
  • (09:02) Failure, trauma, lack of moral leadership.
  • (11:20) Bahraini prince condemns Hamas questions lack of voices.
  • (19:18) Difference between West Bank and Israeli perspectives.
  • (23:34) Public support is not necessarily linked to a solution.
  • (26:59) 89% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.
  • (28:39) Competition is corrupt, inefficient, non-democratic, and worrisome.
  • (32:32) Evangelical compassion for Palestinians and Proverbs 31.
  • (37:09) Arab Sunni Arabs pushing for Salaam Fayyad.
  • (40:22) Abbas tests US leadership with a weak appointment.
  • (42:56) Stay hopeful, act, don't succumb to despair.
  • (46:43 Abraham Accords spark hope for Arab reform.

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Verse of the Day: Proverbs 13:8-9 - open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and the needy. 

Prayer Request:
Let's be praying that evangelicals ourselves would show compassion and find ways, practical ways to bless Israel and her Palestinian neighbors in a difficult time.

Pray for God to show mercy and bring healing, supernatural healing, to Israelis and Palestinians who have been traumatized and wounded, scarred deeply by this horrible war.


Related Episodes:

  • Can Hamas Be Defeated? #196
  • Insights into Israel's Two-State Solution Challenges #195
  • Jonathan Conricus on Israel's Strategic Challenges #192
  • Special Update: Israel at War #127

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Be Less Sad Today - Your Daily Prayer - September 7

The greatest cure and medicine for sadness and all the feelings it may lead to is the Word of God. The Word of God seeps into dry and lonely places and fills them. The more you drink from the Word of God and even digest it, the more your soul is saturated, and the more your sadness leaves you.

Read Today's Devotional