Her Many Hats

Her Many Hats

Emma Danzey

Episode 20: How to Be Creative in Your Community

February 22, 2022   ●   17 min

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When we are in a community, how can our creativity be an encouragement? And how do we find where to use our creativity? Emma shares some great, practical steps to get creative in your place.

1. Learn and Share Fresh Ideas (Humbly)

First and foremost, we need to seek God to teach us. Then, we can look at the lives and innovation of others to motivate us in our own creativity. When trying new ideas, we should always approach in humility and respect.

2. Where Are Areas of Need in Your Community?
It is always good to ask “Where is there an area of need?” Maybe you are serving in a place that is not your norm, but God had called you to it. Ask Him for help to be creative and serve well.

3. What’s in your hand? What has God given you?

Is it a paintbrush? An instrument? A confident voice? Strength? Great patience? An ability to think through problems? Whatever the Lord has given you, give it back to Him. He is your Creator and you are His creation who is modeling and pointing the world to His existence and His sacrifice for all sins. Don’t waste your creativity by setting it aside. Allow Christ to work through you for the benefit of the church body, the blessing of those around you, and to meet needs that come into your path.

Key Bible Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:5-6 says, “There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."

Call to Action:

• How are you serving others creatively right now?
• Who are you learning from and being influenced by in your craft and skills?
• Is there an area of need in your Christian community that you can step out in faith and meet the need with the help of God?
• What’s in your hand? How has God called you like Bezalel to create for Him? How can you be obedient to His leading and His gifting?

Follow Emma: https://emmadanzey.wordpress.com/

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