

Ed Escobar and Bethany Farrell

We Have Work to do

November 27, 2023   ●   1 min

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Imagine getting hired for a job. You show up on day one and have nothing to do. There are no instructions, no guidance. You just stand around all day until 5 o’clock rolls around. You might think the management has no idea what they’re doing.

In our Christian walk, God has prepared work for us to do. And our job isn’t to sit in church aimlessly but to get outside the walls of the church and be His hands and feet.

So, use your gifts to make an impact in this world. 1st Peter, chapter 4 says;

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Being a follower of Christ isn’t a passive life. This world needs you!


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Release Anxiety and Embrace Trust - Your Daily Prayer - October 7

Irrational fear and anxiety are among the many ways the enemy tries to shackle us. As believers, we serve the One true King. His ways, plans, and purposes for our lives will never be thwarted. We have to trust Him because He knows best.

Read Today's Devotional