

Ed Escobar and Bethany Farrell

Happiness- not a destination but a journey

July 25, 2024   ●   1 min

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What does the word happy mean to you? The Merriam-Webster definition is that happiness is “characterized by well-being and contentment.”

I’m sure we can all agree that usually the state of being content comes and goes depending on our circumstances. The truth that I’ve discovered is that happiness isn’t a destination but a journey. It’s not something we find, but something we create.

Every day is truly a gift. Sometimes these gifts are obvious. Other times these blessings are hidden in the trials we face. But these gifts are always there waiting to be discovered.

If you’re looking for a key to unlock more happiness in your life- start with gratitude. It helps us appreciate what we have, and therefore helps us stay content. True happiness isn’t found in material things but in the love and peace of God.



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