Hearing Jesus for Kids: Kids Bible Study, Children’s Daily Devotional, Bible for Kids, Devotions for...
Rachael Groll24// Jesus Didn’t Have a Pillow?!
October 9, 2023 ● 10 minShare this episode
What did Jesus mean when he said that the “Son of Man does not have a place where He may lay His head”? Today, we’re studying Matthew 8:14-22 and learning together what it costs to follow Jesus - it’s not about money, but it does involve us giving something up. The good news is through Jesus, what we gain is so much more.
This episode coincides with episode 399 of the adult version of the Hearing Jesus Podcast.
Parents, read along with us, listen to the study, and find our Family Discussion Guides that cover today’s content on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HearingJesus
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Today's Devotional
A Prayer for Those Who Find Faith Difficult - Your Daily Prayer- March 28
Denying that faith can be difficult undermines the truth of the incarnation, which affirms that Jesus understands our struggles and meets us in our suffering, offering His power and presence.
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