Gospel Rant

Gospel Rant

Dr. Bill Senyard

100,000 Churches Closing???

February 6, 2024   ●   29 min

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Crazy right? Dr. Bill Senyard here with Gospel App Ministries, Good Enough Parent and the Gospel Rant Podcast.

40 million people have stopped going to church in the last 30 years.  In 2019, the year before COVID, far more protestant churches closed than opened in the US. The average congregation size is now less than half what it was in 2000. 1/3 of churchgoers are 65 or older. Summary, far fewer churches, even so, each still is suffering decreasing attendance, and is notably greying. 

Per Christianity Today, church closures are predicted to snowball. By 2025, 100,000 North American churches could close their doors.  Someone called it the Great Dechurching. This is happening at the very same time that so many Americans are feeling increasingly anxious and lonely. New survey shows that one in three said they feel lonely at least once a week. Worse, one in 10 Americans say they feel lonely every day. But, they are not thinking that churches are the answer. Sad. What’s up?

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Be Less Sad Today - Your Daily Prayer - September 7

The greatest cure and medicine for sadness and all the feelings it may lead to is the Word of God. The Word of God seeps into dry and lonely places and fills them. The more you drink from the Word of God and even digest it, the more your soul is saturated, and the more your sadness leaves you.

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