Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear

Jennifer Slattery and Carol Ogle McCracken

When You Fear You've Blown Your Calling (Genesis 20)

March 21, 2023   ●   16 min

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Have your sins and failures ever seemed greater than God's grace? Have you ever feared that you've done something to forfeit your calling? In this episode, Carol shares a story about a Christ-follower who, in fear, killed someone. But God's grace reached deep into that prison and revealed a calling greater than a murder conviction. 

(Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) 

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Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. What resonated with you most in this episode?
  2. Have you ever feared you did something to forfeit God's call on your life? If so, how? 
  3. What did Jason Kent's story reveal regarding God's heart?
  4. What did Jason's story reveal regarding God's power?
  5. What thoughts or emotions arose when Jennifer said that God uses us for His perfect purposes despite our imperfections?
  6. What did God's response to Abraham's sin reveal regarding His heart?
  7. What is the significance of God referring to Abraham as a prophet?
  8. Why might God have had Abraham pray for Abimelech? 
  9. What is one step God might be asking you to take after having listened to this episode?

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