Faith Over Fear
Jennifer Slattery and Carol Ogle McCrackenThe Courage to Fight Godly Battles – Ep. 43
March 2, 2021 ● 15 minShare this episode
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Group Discussion Questions:
1. Share or journal on a time when you felt God calling you to engage in a high-stakes situation.
a. What were your fears?
b. What doubts triggered those fears?
c. What truths helped (or could have helped) increase your courage?
d. What character traits of God helped (or could have helped) increase your courage?
2. Did anyone come alongside you? If so, how did this help you feel more courageous? If not, how did this effect you?
3. Is there someone who can act like a Deborah in your life?
4. Is there anyone to whom God might be calling you to act like a Deborah?
5. How can focusing on ourselves increase our fear?
6. How can focusing on God—His character, power, promises and love—help decrease our fear and increase our courage?
7. Based on the Deborah-Barak account in the Bible, who brings victory?
8. What are some unexpected ways God has brought victory in your life or the lives of those you love?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/
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