Faith Over Fear
Jennifer Slattery and Carol Ogle McCrackenLiving Supernaturally Empowered - Ep. 71
September 14, 2021 ● 31 minShare this episode
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Podcast episode referenced: Faith Over Fear Episode 66: Trusting Our Good Shepherd
Group Discussion Questions:
1. What resonated with you most in today’s episode?
2. How often do you tend to rely on your strength rather than seeking the power of the Holy Spirit?
3. Why is it important we rely on the Holy Spirit?
4. What are some ways you can increase your dependence on Him?
5. How does or has pride hindered your reliance on the Holy Spirit?
6. In what ways has or does fear tempt you to rely on yourself?
7. In what ways does the Holy Spirit help us live more effectively for Christ?
8. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us God hasn’t give us a spirit of fear but instead one of power, love, and self-discipline.
a. Why is it important to recognize what is and isn’t from God?
b. Why is it important to rely on God’s power when fighting our fears?
c. In what ways can the gift of self-discipline help you in fighting your fears?
Episode Image Credit: Getty/Suksunt Sansawast
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