Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear

Jennifer Slattery and Carol Ogle McCracken

Fighting the Fear of Rejection - Ep. 38

January 26, 2021   ●   14 min

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Fear of rejection can lead to surface level relationships, increased defensive behaviors and fear-based reactions, and loneliness and isolation. Many times, this fear stems from wounds we’ve experienced in our past and the inner lies formed during or directly following hurtful experiences or moments of rejection.

In this episode, Jodie Bailey shares a deep wound in her past and how it impacted her later relationships as she and Jennifer Slattery look at how God responded to a rejected woman in Genesis 29 and what we can learn from this.

Find Jodie Bailey at:

Find Jennifer Slattery at:
Twitter: @jenslattery

Find Wholly Loved, at:

Group Discussion Questions:
1. On a scale of one to ten, how much does fear of rejection hinder your relationships?
2. How does your fear impact your behavior when engaging with new people or acquaintances?
3. What specifically do you fear? (or, to reword, what do you feel about you might lead them to reject you?)
4. How does your fear impact your behavior with those you currently have relationships with?
5. What thoughts regarding these fears play through your mind when you’re in uncomfortable social situations?
6. What is a truth you can focus on to counter that?
7. Is there a wound or are there wounds from your past that impact your fear of rejection today?
8. Is there a past relationship you need to grieve in order to heal in this area?
9. How can focusing on how God sees you help you live with confidence?

Episode Image Credit: Getty/VikiVector

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