Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear

Jennifer Slattery and Carol Ogle McCracken

Encouraging Truths for Those Who Feel Overlooked and Unseen

March 18, 2025   ●   22 min

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Have you ever felt like life has passed you by? When you look back on your pivotal moments, do you feel unseen and overlooked? You are not alone. This universal feeling is normal, but it doesn’t have to stick to you.

Resource referenced: The Most Overlooked Women of the Bible: What Their Stories Teach Us about Being Seen and Heard (The Women of the Bible) by Mary DeMuth

Discussion/Reflective Questions:

  1. What resonates with you most in this episode?
  2. How has a time when you have felt overlooked motivated you into action?
  3. When have you experienced a time when community has reminded you that you are not alone in your first response of grumbling and complaining?
  4. How has someone motivated you to act when they maintained their faith in the middle of adversity?
  5. What does it mean when you hear age is not a limitation in the Kingdom of God–in fact, it’s a benefit?
  6. What message of hope could you take away regarding your own worth and visibility, especially if you feel overlooked in your community?

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