Dwell On These Things

Dwell On These Things

John Stange

Can a true Christian ever lose their salvation?

February 17, 2025   ●   39 min

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One of the most frequently asked questions among Christians is the question about whether or not it's possible for us to lose our eternal salvation. Some Christians believe it's possible while others do not. My personal belief on this subject has drastically changed throughout the course of my life. The beliefs I held on this subject when I was new to the Christian faith are significantly different from the beliefs I hold at present.

Even before explaining what I presently believe or offering the Scriptural basis for these beliefs, I also want to acknowledge that I have several close friends who serve in various ministry roles who hold views that differ from mine. I'm grateful for them, and while I consider this a major doctrinal issue with hefty theological and relational consequences, I still consider these friends true brothers in Christ.

So, what do I believe about this issue? Or better said, what do I believe God's word teaches about the question of whether or not it's possible for a genuine believer in Jesus to lose their salvation? With all sincerity, I do not believe it is possible for someone who has been brought to a saving relationship with Jesus to lose the gift of salvation. Please allow me to explain why I have come to this belief.

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