The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast
Crosswalk Authors and EditorsWhat’s Stopping You from Being Strong and Courageous?
January 26, 2025 ● 6 minShare this episode
In this episode of The Crosswalk Devotional, we delve into the empowering theme of strength and courage in the face of adversity. Life can often present challenges that leave us feeling weak or afraid, but God calls us to rise up with confidence and faith. We’ll explore what it means to be strong and courageous, drawing inspiration from biblical figures who exemplified these qualities in their own trials. Through their stories and our reflections, we’ll uncover practical steps to cultivate strength and courage in our daily lives, reminding ourselves that God is with us every step of the way.
Join the Conversation: We want to hear from you! How have you found strength and courage during tough times? Share your experiences with us on social media @LifeaudioNetwork or via email. What verses or prayers have inspired you to be brave in challenging situations?
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Full Transcript Below:
Be Strong and Courageous
By Megan Conner
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Josh. 1:9, NIV)
With the turn of the calendar, comes a new year. For most of us, this is a time to reflect on what has been and look forward with anticipation towards what will come. Perhaps you are someone who loves the new year. A fresh start, a blank page – it is all so inspiring. The sky is the limit. Or maybe, you are on the other side of the coin and feel a bit overwhelmed or apprehensive about what the unknown future might bring. I think I probably land somewhere in the middle. As a writer, a metaphorical blank page excites me, but it can also terrify me. What about you?
I know for many; the new year incites an eagerness for what is ahead. These same individuals often ponder and pray over a “word of the year” that they sense God is speaking to their hearts. Once discovered, they raise this word or phrase like a banner over their lives for the next twelve months. I had not attempted this practice myself until two years ago. During that gray, nebulous week between Christmas and New Year’s, I struggled with what was ahead. I really did not want to “take on” a new year. I felt like I had barely survived the last one and had very little interest in reliving the experience. But as I was praying one afternoon, I heard a gentle whisper; a single word – courage.
I have never considered myself courageous in any way. I learned resilience through the hardships that had come my way, but strength does not always equal courage. So, when I unintentionally stumbled across this unexpected “word of the year,” I was sure I had misunderstood that still small voice. This could not be for me. I was not a brave woman. Despite my hesitation, I could not shake the sense that this declaration really was for me. With very little confidence that I could ever embody the true meaning of the word, I surrendered to the Lord and humbly prayed, “If you really want me to have courage – then YOU will need to give it to me.”
I knew I was not someone who was naturally fearless, but I also recognized I was not alone. The Bible is FULL of followers who struggled to face their own fears. There is also an abundance of commands and exhortations directed to God’s people saying “fear not” and “be courageous.” One passage in particular stood out to me from Joshua chapter one. In this short chapter, the phrase “be strong and courageous” is repeated four times. Four – in only 18 verses!
In this passage, Joshua receives his formal commission from the Lord to go and claim the Promised Land. This moment was extremely significant for Joshua and the whole Israelite community. The last time their people faced this same opportunity, their parents and grandparents allowed fear to dictate action and they ended up wandering in the desert for forty years instead of believing in God’s deliverance and provision. So here they were… again, four decades later, and the mandate is repeated four times: “Be strong and courageous.” I don’t think this is a coincidence. Perhaps it needed to be declared four times as a symbolic reminder of each decade spent in the wilderness. Much like Peter repeating “You know I love you” three times (one for each denial) when he spoke with Jesus in John chapter 21. God knew they would need this repetitious reminder, just like He knew I would need it as well.
What about you? Do you need to be reminded of God’s call to forge ahead with courage? If so, like the Israelites of old, let’s recall the
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