The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast
Crosswalk Authors and EditorsGod Removes and Sets Up Leaders (A Study of Daniel 2:21)
October 24, 2024 ● 6 minShare this episode
He is in charge, He always has been and always will be. This will never change, and we can rest in His unchanging nature in the midst of an ever-changing world.
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The God Over Rulers
By Emma Danzey
Daniel 2:21 says, “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
It is no surprise that election years bring a new level of tension and worry. We begin to wonder “What will the next four years look like if…” A lot can happen in four years and a president or a governing politician in the Senate or the House can make ungodly decisions that negatively effect our nation. However, Daniel lived in a time with a worldly king whom he did not agree with or bow to, but He reminds us that God removes and sets up kings. Today as we take time to break down this powerful verse, may it bring peace into our hearts that God is still the King of kings and Lord of lords.
“He changes times and seasons”
“America looks different now than it used to.” “We are running away from God as a nation.” “America is truly becoming a post-Christian society.” These are all statements that you might be hearing or wrestling through yourself. However, we know that just like God changes the times and the seasons, our days will be different from the past just like the future will be different from our current generation’s lives. This can be scary and unsettling if we allow it to be, or we can remember that the Lord is working everything together towards His return. We are told many times that there will be great trials and tribulations, that there will be war, famine, and evil taking place globally. However, we can easily reject the idea and just want heaven on earth now, but this is not the Lord’s perfect plan. Things are going to get worse before they get better.
I think about the large pile of laundry on the bed right now. It looks like a mountain of a mess, but I know that after I go deal with the laundry and put it away, my family will have such happiness in all of our things washed, dried and usable for the week ahead. We might be seeing a load of dirty laundry of sin piling up in our own nation, but this is not new to history. Many, if not all, have seen this in their lifetimes in one way or another. Sin has always been since the garden and it will always be until death or Jesus’ returns. As times and seasons literally change, may we remember who is still in charge no matter how big the mess appears.
“He removes kings and sets up kings;”
This statement alone should bring us great peace. God is in control. No king or president reigns without our sovereign Lord allowing it. Not even a local mayor is elected without the Lord allowing it. You might say, “But what about dishonesty or padding votes?” “What if there are schemes of mankind behind the scenes?” The beauty is that even if sinful acts take place, nothing is a surprise to God and ultimately He can take sinful decisions of humanity and turn them around for the good of His believers and for His glory.
We could live in “What ifs” every day, we could worry for weeks and months about politics, but what good does that do? Satan wants to distract us from the real battle going on. Yes, it is important to be properly informed and to vote. However, we are Christ followers have an eternal mindset. This is significant because our decisions and our goals should be heavenly focused. If we become consumed by the fear, anger, and goals of elections, then we forget our main mission to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:19-20)
The Devil wants us to be distracted from the real work of a disciple of Jesus and he is not above using politics to cause the church to miss the mission and the hope that we have in our King Jesus. He is in charge, He always has been and always will be. This will never change, and we can rest in His unchanging nature in the midst of an ever-changing world.
“He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding”
We as voters and citizens need great wisdom and knowledge. God can lead us in our choices and our decisions. He is not beyond revealing His will with His Word. When we are confused or do not know what to do, let us not remain complacent, but let us search the Bible for our answers. His Word stands true forever. We can pray and ask His Spirit in us to lead us and h
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