Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

Why You Need Community (Spring Break Free Day 23)

May 4, 2021   ●   10 min

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Community. What is that anyway? It's a bit of a modern Christian "buzz word" but what does it really mean? Let me break it down for you. Community requires you to be a part of a group of people who know your name. People who care about you. People who know you and about your stuff (even the stuff you aren't proud of.). It requires you having friends and being a friend.

Community is hard. It can be uncomfortable. Especially at first. I mean, what if you get rejected? What if you share something and people laugh . . .or worse . . .people start to avoid you? Yikes. That's scary.

I get it. I'm a pastor's wife but I still TOTALLY understand the struggle to be in community. Here's my take on why community is SO vitally important though! (Especially if you hope to be truly free from body image and comparison issues!)


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Questions for reflection:

Do you have community? Do you go to a church where people know you and you know them? Do you have Christian accountability? Do you serve in your local church body so you can use your gifts within the context of community?

What other communities have you been a part of? Do you find it easier to be a part of a community at work or in a gym type setting then at church? Why do you think this is?

Miss some of the Spring Break Free series? Catch up here.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Cultivating a Heart of Worship - Your Daily Prayer - September 22

When we receive God’s forgiveness through Jesus, receiving His free gift, we are receiving an unending source of forgiveness that springs forth from Him. When we tap into it, we surrender our claim to holding an unforgiving heart towards anyone else.

Read Today's Devotional