Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

Pornography, Shame, and Finding Freedom

March 29, 2021   ●   39 min

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Porn can have a huge impact on our body image and relationships. Now 32% of porn users are women and I receive messages every week from women who are struggling with the impact of porn on their marriage. Today It talk to Joy Skarka, an expert on this topic. She has a powerful testimony of finding freedom in this arena and helps women break free from the shame porn brings. This is an issue that's growing and impacting even the youngest eyes--so listen today and learn what you can do to fight this battle or help someone you love fight it!

Connect with Joy through Authentic Intimacy on Instagram or at: (Find support groups here too!)

Heather on the Java with Juli podcast: Episode 304 on iTunes

Need help monitoring your child's screens or need accountability for your own addiction struggles? Check out Covenant Eyes with this link.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Cultivating a Heart of Worship - Your Daily Prayer - September 22

Whether we feel more comfortable sitting with our heads bowed and hands folded in worship, or in singing, dancing, and raising our hands, worship can take on forms that are not coming sincerely from truly devoted hearts but rather from pressure to follow certain acceptable outward expressions.

Read Today's Devotional