Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

Letting Go of Expectations for My Life Part 2

October 18, 2022   ●   36 min

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Today Heather's friend, Jeanette Henriques continues sharing her testimony of struggling with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and facing various other life trials. Jeanette became a ward of the state of Texas as child, was in and out of eating disorder treatment fifty times, and has faced numerous health trials. In fact, at the time of this interview, Jeanette is on hospice because of the severity of her health struggles. Yet, through it all, Jeanette sees and acknowledges God's faithfulness. She spent many years professionally helping women who struggled with disordered eating and eating disorders.

In this second part of a two-part interview, Jeanette and Heather talk about what how Jeanette has had to let go of what she expected her life to look like and learn to trust God in all things. She has a beautiful story of how God has made her new and been faithful through all of her trials.

If you want to thank Jeanette for sharing her story or let her know how it touched you, can connect with Jeanette on Instagram or on Facebook here:

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