Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

How to Break Food Addiction (Day 21 of the Spring Break Free)

May 2, 2021   ●   6 min

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Food. I'd rather not talk about food. Okay, I guess that's not true. I talk about everything--maybe a little too honestly. But, I just wrote this post confessing my affection for Bark Thins and how quickly they seem to disappear in my house (although I won't let anyone else touch the bag!).

In that post I also shared with you some information on the book I mention in today's video. It's called "Full: For, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction." (Buy it on Amazon here.)

Need Eating Disorder Help? I recommend you start by checking out: Rock Recovery or visit the site for more resources.

Questions for reflection:

In what ways has your struggle with body image connected with your struggle with food? Have you ever used food to try to control your body image? Have food issues/eating disorders been a byproduct of your body image struggles?

What do you think about Heather's point that she needed to solve her body image issues before she could work on her food issues?

Why not join us for the rest of the Spring Break free? Or, start over if you missed some by clicking here!

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Cultivating a Heart of Worship - Your Daily Prayer - September 22

When we receive God’s forgiveness through Jesus, receiving His free gift, we are receiving an unending source of forgiveness that springs forth from Him. When we tap into it, we surrender our claim to holding an unforgiving heart towards anyone else.

Read Today's Devotional