Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

Body Image & Sexual Abuse: Hope, Healing & Resources for Restoration with Mary DeMuth

June 8, 2020   ●   34 min

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Today I talk to my friend, Mary DeMuth-she's written dozens of books on a variety of topics -and we talk about several of them! Mary has a powerful testimony of enduring sexual abuse and shares her journey to find healing, what's helped her along the way, and resources she's created to help others who have suffered in this way. We also talk about how body image issues can stem from sexual abuse and Mary's brand new resource created to help anyone looking for healing or looking to help those who want healing from things in their past. (Note: I believe we discuss Mary's story in a non-triggering way.)

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Books Mentioned in this Episode:

Into the Light - Study

We Too:

The Day I Met Jesus:

The 7 Deadly Friendships:

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Cultivating a Heart of Worship - Your Daily Prayer - September 22

Whether we feel more comfortable sitting with our heads bowed and hands folded in worship, or in singing, dancing, and raising our hands, worship can take on forms that are not coming sincerely from truly devoted hearts but rather from pressure to follow certain acceptable outward expressions.

Read Today's Devotional